EmpowerU – Sharing Human Trafficking Knowledge

EmpowerU – Sharing Human Trafficking Knowledge

In honour of National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, Aura Freedom hosted EmpowerU, a special online event where we invited youth, youth-serving frontline workers, community organizations, advocates, educators, parents/guardians, healthcare workers, and other stakeholders invested in eradicating human trafficking and gender-based violence in Ontario and beyond. 

During this event, we hosted a Panel Discussion and Community Dialogue with anti-human trafficking advocates, activists, and frontline workers who shared their insights on sex trafficking prevention rooted in equity, intersectionality, and human rights. We also hosted a Resource Spotlight featuring different community advocates, we will shine a spotlight on various community resources, services and tools available in Ontario and Canada to advance human trafficking prevention and support survivors/those at risk.

Our goal was to EmpowerU to end exploitation and gender-based violence in your communities, enhance youth safety, and support survivors.

We are grateful to our panelists, our attendees, as well as The Regional Municipality of York Region for supporting this event!

Watch the Recording of EmpowerU:

Aura Freedom turns 10!

Aura Freedom turns 10!

Our hearts are bursting! A heartfelt thank you to all those who came out to A Day After Freedom and celebrated 10 years of Aura Freedom with us at the legendary El Mocambo in Toronto.

There aren’t words to describe what this evening meant to us and our community. The sisterhood and siblinghood felt in the room that night was especially powerful and beautiful. It was truly a night of music, celebration, and – of course – of powerful activism. 

Here’s to decades more of the feminist movement, and of Aura Freedom. 

A Day After Freedom featured performances from Neon Nostalgicas well as a surprise performance by our very own Executive Director, Marissa Kokkoros!

Thank you to our wonderful hosts, longtime supporter Adwoa Nsiah-Yeboah (left) and Board member Kimberley Fowler (right), for lending your broadcasting and media skills to A Day After Freedom!

Thank you to our amazing community. To our Board Members, Advisors, Staff (past and present), Partners, Supporters, Donors, and more who came out and joined us, as you do in our mission to end violence against women and girls, each and every day. 

What a night! Check out our photos.




We thank the El Mocambo for generously sponsoring a portion of our venue.

Aura Freedom launches the Body Bag, For Her

The Body Bag, For Her

In honour of the 16 Days of Activism to end Gender-Based Violence, Aura Freedom created the Body Bag For Her to call attention to the prevalence and urgency of femicide in Canada. 

Drawing on traditional advertising tropes of gendered campaigns for ‘women’s products’, Aura Freedom created the Body Bag, For Her to illuminate the fact that every other day a woman is killed in Canada, most often by a man. Indigenous women are murdered at the highest rates in Canada, contributing to the genocide of Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit Peoples (MMIWG2S).

Aura Freedom created the Body Bag, For Her to show the sobering realities of femicide in Canada, and how it isn’t the same as homicide. Women are being killed by men, precisely because they are women. And these murders are completely preventable.

Femicide is an emergency in Canada, and until we treat it as such, we will continue to lose women and girls in our communities.

The campaign is a multi-media one (print, TV, social, digital, etc.) and includes an educational microsite where people can learn more about femicide and MMIWG2S. Watch the powerful campaign video here.

Explore the 'For Her' microsite on Femicide in Canada

The For Her microsite was created in sisterhood and partnership with the Canadian Femicide Observatory and the Native Women's Resource Centre Toronto.

We are grateful to our partners:

Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice & Accountability

Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto

The Canadian government has still not officially recognized the term Femicide in any legislation.

Femicide is happening in Canada. Ignoring it will not make it go away. Recognition of this most extreme form of male violence against women is the first step forward to addressing it.

We call on the Government of Canada to take the meaningful steps towards ending femicide across the country, and to declare femicide an emergency in Canada through a petition created in partnership with the Canadian Femicide Observatory and the Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto. 

Sign the petition for the Government of Canada to declare femicide an emergency and act accordingly.

We’re not waiting anymore.

The 'For Her' launch event in Toronto!

In honour of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and to kick off the 16 Days of Activism, we held our launch event for the ‘For Her’ campaign at It’s Ok* Studios in Toronto. This was an opportunity for the public, the media, and our community to learn more on the reality of femicide in Canada, sign our petition, connect with fellow affected and concerned community members – and see the body bag, for her, in person. Check out our recap video of our launch event here

MEDIA WAS BUZZING. Check out the following articles on our “For Her” campaign: CTV NewsNewsWireCP24 ArticleCP24 InterviewNowTorontoThe MessageBNN Breaking Network, and more.

Watch our Executive Director's interview on CTV's The Social

Marissa sat down with the hosts of CTV's The Social to talk about why femicide needs to be declared an emergency and why we need to #CallItFemicide.

We’re thankful for our fellow gender-based violence advocates, community partners, and Councillor Lily Cheng for coming and showing support for the For Her campaign.

All our gratitude goes to Forsman & Bodenfors CanadaFolktale FilmsVeritas Communications and Cactus Sewing Studio for all their creative brilliance that is the For Her campaign. This campaign was created by a genius all-woman creative team, from the writers and graphic designers, to the film director and the project managers, and even the makers of the body bag itself. These women are all heart and every time we put our heads together during this process, it was nothing but joy. Thank you ALL for your sisterhood and siblinghood.

Women in our communities are DYING.
We’re not waiting anymore.

Toronto Declares Intimate Partner Violence an Epidemic

Finally, the declaration has been made.

July 20, 2023.

We did it, together

On July 20, 2023, Aura Freedom and Women’s Habitat, along with YWCA Toronto, OAITH, the Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic, and other community partners, went to Toronto City Hall to witness our Urgent Call to Action (released July 6th) answered by City Council. 

We met with Mayor Olivia Chow and Councillor Lily Cheng before the council meeting to continue advocating for real change that would work towards the eradication of male violence against women and girls.

We were elated and overjoyed to have been present while City Council voted unanimously in favour of the motion put forward by Mayor Chow, and leapt to our feet when the City of Toronto officially declared Intimate Partner Violence and Gender-Based Violence an EPIDEMIC – something we have all been saying for years.

Explore Our Urgent Call to Action & Brief

Read about our Urgent Call to Action to the City of Toronto, download our brief, and view endorsing organizations

THIS is what happens when grassroots experts, community experts, and experts who work with and for survivors day in and day out have a seat at the table. This work started decades before us and we want to acknowledge just how many years of activism and heart-wrenching work made this day possible.

We also know that this is only the first of many steps. We will continue to monitor as Toronto leadership and community utilize this declaration to ensure actionable steps are taken towards a future free from Intimate Partner Violence and Gender-Based Violence. 

See Herstory being made!

Watch a video timeline of the declaration

Our 10-Year Anniversary Event

Our 10-Year Anniversary Event

Join us on October 18, 2023 to celebrate Aura Freedom’s 10-year anniversary at the legendary El Mocambo in Toronto. 

A Day After Freedom is an event to celebrate a decade of Aura Freedom’s work eradicating Violence Against Women and Human Trafficking…and to talk about what’s next.

October 18, 2023. 6PM. El Mocambo. 464 Spadina Ave, Toronto.

Join us for live music, art & activism! All are welcome.

Enjoy finger foods, merch for sale, a silent auction, cash bar and more – plus a live musical performance by Neon Nostalgic.

Hear from our Founder,
Marissa Kokkoros

The El Mocambo is one of Toronto's most legendary music venues.
Discover all its Rock & Roll history at your fingertips.




We thank the El Mocambo for generously sponsoring a portion of our venue.

We're still looking for event sponsors!

Download our Sponsorship Package

Support the work to end violence against women and human trafficking in Canada and beyond.

We can't wait to see you all there!

An Urgent Call to Action: The IPV Epidemic in Toronto

Declare Intimate Partner Violence an Epidemic in Toronto

July 6, 2023.

Aura Freedom and Women’s Habitat of Etobicoke, along with other organizations, grassroots groups, advocates, survivors, and more, are calling on the City of Toronto to declare Intimate Partner Violence an epidemic.

Yes, an epidemic.

Intimate Partner Violence affects every single aspect of life in Toronto. From housing and food security, to health, education, and the economy.

Women’s lives are, quite literally, on the line as we see a rise in femicide and hate crimes against women on public transit. Intimate Partner Violence and Violence Against Women have already been recognized as an epidemic in 30 municipalities across Ontario, following the jury recommendations resulting from the groundbreaking Renfrew County inquest into the murders of Carol Culleton, Anastasia Kuzyk and Nathalie Warmerdam.

We know that male violence against women is one of the greatest barriers to achieving a healthy and thriving city.

Bold and urgent action is needed now.

Toronto leadership, are you with us?

A Call for Organizational Endorsements

To endorse this Urgent Call to Action, email info@aurafreedom.org with your organization’s name and “Endorsement for Toronto IPV Epidemic” in the subject line and we will add it to our list of endorsements below. Please note that while organizational endorsements will be listed below, individual endorsements will be kept private.

This list is updated every 1-2 days, please check back regularly for an updated list.

  • Abrigo Centre
  • AIDS Committee of Toronto
  • Albion Neighbourhood Services
  • Anduhyaun Inc.
  • Assaulted Women’s Helpline
  • Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic
  • Bethesda House
  • Canadian Centre for Women’s Empowerment
  • Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking
  • Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture
  • Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability
  • Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
  • Caribbean African Canadian Social Services 
  • Centre for the Study of Social and Legal Responses to Violence, University of Guelph
  • Community Family Services of Ontario
  • Elizabeth Fry Toronto
  • Embrave Agency to End Violence
  • End Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting Network Canada
  • Ernestine’s Women’s Shelter
  • Family Service Toronto
  • FCJ Refugee Centre
  • Good To Be Good
  • LAMP Community Health Centre
  • Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto
  • Parkdale Queen West Community Health Care Centre
  • Peel Regional Council
  • Safe Hope Home
  • Safe Transitions
  • S.E.A.S. Centre
  • Settlement Assistance and Family Support Services
  • South Asian Women’s Centre
  • Stonegate Community Health Centre
  • The Child Development Institute
  • The I Do! Forced Marriage Project
  • Toronto Rape Crisis Centre/Multicultural Women Against Rape
  • Victim Services Toronto
  • White Ribbon
  • Woman Abuse Council of Toronto
  • Women At The Centre
  • Women Won’t Forget
  • Yorktown Family Services: Violence Against Women Services
  • YWCA Toronto

Women & Girls Still The Greatest At Risk: Our Overview of the 2023 Global Slavery Index

Our Overview of the 2023 Global Slavery Index

June 2023


Walk Free, an international human rights group working to eradicate all forms of modern slavery, recently released its 2023 Global Slavery Index (GSI). The 2023 GSI explores extensive data, research, and essays to highlight the existence of modern slavery and human trafficking across diverse industries and countries today. It is presented as a tool for citizens, civil society, businesses, and government to understand the scale of the problem, current responses, and contributing factors that they can advocate for, with the goal of building sound policies and programs to end modern slavery. 

It also shares the fact that the efforts of many wealthy countries to combat modern slavery have stagnated and in some cases, hard won progress has been reversed. Given the influx of violence against women and girls over the COVID-19 pandemic, now more than ever, we need global commitment and a sense of urgency to address and prevent modern slavery. 

The following is Aura Freedom International’s overview of the 2023 Global Slavery Index, through the lenses of gender, intersectional feminism, human rights and prevention.


Modern Slavery

The 2023 GSI unpacks the depths of modern slavery to explore its various forms, and the known names – from forced labour, forced marriage, debt bondage, sexual exploitation, human trafficking, slavery-like practices, forced or servile marriage, and the sale and exploitation of children. 

Modern slavery is a hidden crime that impacts every country in the world. It refers to situations of exploitation that a person cannot refuse or leave because of threats, violence, coercion, deception, or abuses of power as stated in the GSI. We applaud Walk Free for the inclusion of coercion as part of the definition of modern slavery. At Aura Freedom, we have always advocated for the recognition of Coercive Control. Indeed, it is one of the tactics traffickers use to keep survivors from leaving or reaching out for help. Even though you cannot “see” coercion, it is present in most situations of sexual exploitation and human trafficking, and also in Intimate Partner Violence / Domestic Violence. 

In addition, to further understand the intersections and complexities of modern slavery, the GSI also shares the diagram of “What is Modern Slavery” to illustrate the overlap between human trafficking with forced labour, slavery and slavery-like practices, included below.


Controlling COVID-19, Compounding Injustice – Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

Certainly, COVID-19 had a catastrophic impact across communities, health, living, and working conditions. The Index shared recommendations from members of a survivors’ collective in India to capture the devastating rise of modern slavery. 

Global lockdowns created new risks and abuses, discrimination for numbers of people who have been pushed into survival mode. Mass unemployment, high personal debt, and limited government support created opportunities for traffickers to target many individuals in-person, and online. 

Similar trends can be noticed across Canada. In 2020, Aura Freedom’s COVID Recovery brief highlights that Grassroots feminist organizations knew what was coming. For some women, the lockdowns would mean increased frequency and severity of the violence they endure. For others, it would mean experiencing violence for the first time. Fear, anxiety, and economic pressure amount to increased household stress, with women bearing the brunt of that stress while trapped with abusive household members. 

In addition, the 2023 GSI also states that the trends of domestic violence may continue long after COVID-19 and impact future generations. While this is in fact true, the global trends point to a dire need for long–term solutions that reach beyond this pandemic. Aura Freedom will always advocate for the importance of education to tackle the root causes of gender-based violence and sexual exploitation.


Frontline Voices: ‘Black and Brown Like Me’: Racial Roots of Modern Slavery 

Walk Free’s 2023 GSI includes an essay by Ashante Taylorcox who explores the unique experiences of survivors of colour, while also offering solutions for how the modern slavery movement can best respond and adapt towards racial equity. 

While not all marginalized youth are trafficked or experience sexual exploitation, we appreciate the 2023 GSI for adopting an intersectional race-based analysis to unpack the justification and impact of slavery on Black women and girls. Ashante’s reflections recognize that Black men and boys also often experience gendered racism, but are more likely to be seen as perpetrators and/or criminals rather than as potential victims. The application of an intersectional framework to critique systemic and individual biases and stereotypes is essential, and it can allow us to analyze anti-trafficking movements for those holding varied identities, and better support survivors by using an intersectional and anti-racist lens. We also agree that there needs to be a more understanding, and dismantling of systems of oppression, power, and privilege to address the discrimination and violence perpetrated on Black and Brown survivors when accessing services. Overall, there needs to be an upstream intersectional feminist approach to prevent trafficking.  

At Aura Freedom, we highlight that there is no ‘quick fix’ to human trafficking. We have to buckle up – this is a long drive. If we are really going to end human trafficking, we must zoom out and look at societal power imbalances and inequities (root causes). By examining the root causes of exploitation and human trafficking, and working toward equity for all human beings, we can collectively empower people to demand better, simply because they know they are worthy of healthy and vibrant lives.


Indigenous Peoples

Indeed, vulnerability to modern slavery can be driven largely by inequality, political instability, and discrimination against migrants and minority groups. Across Canada, Indigenous populations are particularly vulnerable to sexual exploitation and historically targeted by traffickers. The GSI reports that although Indigenous women make up only 4 percent of the population of Canada, they comprise at least 50 per cent of identified survivors of human trafficking.

Of course, in Canada, the intergenerational impact of residential “schools”, the 60s Scoop, stolen land, and other colonial tactics, have resulted in: 

  • the over-representation of Indigenous women in the sex trade, and in prison
  • poverty, homelessness, overcrowding in houses, 
  • race and gender discrimination
  • migration from northern cities to southern ones, just to list a few. 

Even though the GSI did not fully share the drivers of vulnerability to modern slavery for Indigenous communities in Canada, we would like to emphasize that Indigenous women, girls and two-spirited peoples are the most vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation. In fact, there are thousands of cases of missing and murdered Indigenous women/girls/Two Spirit in Canada, some of whom are believed to have been trafficked. In 2019, the Final Report of the National Inquiry concluded that the violence experienced by Indigenous women, girls and Two Spirit people in Canada amounts to GENOCIDE.

Aura Freedom collaborated with Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto to create a special segment of our GBV Resource Centre on Violence against Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ Peoples. Here, you can find more information on the many forms of violence against Indigenous communities in Canada.


Anti-Social: Modern Slavery on Social Media

The 2023 GSI highlights that the rapid technological advancements have outpaced the development of regulatory frameworks, resulting in a lack of effective governance and accountability that enables modern slavery risks to flourish online.

Certainly the internet provides incredible opportunities to learn, connect with friends and family, stay updated on world events, and more. With so many people using the internet for school, work, socializing and entertainment, there also comes an increased risk of online exploitation as well as the facilitation of forced commercial sexual exploitation (FCSE) of adults and children through social media platforms. 

The 2023 GSI reports that there is expanding evidence that social media is used to facilitate modern slavery, with traffickers able to target multiple people in different geographic locations, use personal information and vulnerabilities found online, all while being shielded by online anonymity. Furthermore, leaked Facebook documents revealed that Facebook and Instagram have been used to recruit migrant workers from low-income countries through deceptive job advertisements, forcing them into domestic slavery and sex trafficking, with shareholders launching litigation against Facebook and Instagram’s parent company Meta, purporting that the company’s leadership turned a “blind eye” to widespread evidence of sex trafficking and child sexual exploitation on both sites. To us, and many other activists, this makes Meta complicit in widespread and severe human rights abuses against children worldwide. 

That said, little is being done to protect social media users from modern slavery risks. In 2023, Walk Free conducted their own assessment of companies covering 10 social media platforms and 2 e-stores distributing social media applications, finding that social media companies are not doing enough to report on modern slavery within their direct operations or supply chains (i.e. they found that no company complied with all minimum requirements under the applicable Modern Slavery Act). With more than 4.5 billion social media users now active globally, there is an urgent need for further understanding, awareness and prevention of the flourishing forms of modern slavery perpetrated online.  

We would also like to highlight that with the rise of social media, there has been a flood of false information on the internet. As a result, well-intentioned, everyday people are being misinformed about how human trafficking happens. In fact, Aura Freedom has been very vocal about the harms caused by sensational and untrue theories of human trafficking circulating on social media. As Aura Freedom outlined in our Human Trafficking Info Hub, myths and misinformation about trafficking isolates real survivors because their experiences do not match social media – they simply will not come forward for fear of not being believed, on top of the many other barriers they experience.


Addressing Increased Risk to LGBTQIA+ Communities

In a time of rising anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation, movements, and violence, the 2023 GSI’s highlight of Shivan Pavin Alungnat – queer activist, artist, musician, feminist, survivor leader, and Founder of Africa Nalia – is timely. This spotlight recognizes that the LGBTQIA+ community continues to face ongoing discrimination and marginalization around the world in many forms, which also increases risk of modern slavery, intensifies the experience of exploitation, and creates barriers to accessing support. One such increased risk is recognizing that norms centering heteronormativity can increase the risk of forced marriage for LGBTQIA+ individuals through familial coercion into heterosexual marriages. 

Shivan further highlights the distinct intersectionality of existing in a Black body and identifying within the LGBTQIA+ community, and the lack of understanding and limited knowledge that exists when examining the intersections of the LGBTQIA+ community and modern slavery. Aura Freedom also advocates the need for continued funding, research, and programming to address these gaps, and provide culturally-specific and trauma-informed support for those that exist at the intersections.


Foster Care

The 2023 Global Slavery Index spotlights the “multifaceted relationship between children’s institutions and human trafficking”, referencing the United Nations General Assembly’s recognition of the links between child institutions and child trafficking in 2019, and the call for these institutions to be progressively phased out. Still, the number of residential care institutions have been reportedly increasing, and with that comes increased risk and prevalence of child exploitation, abuse, and neglect.  We applaud Walk Free for acknowledging the global risk to children in residential care institutions such as orphanages, where traffickers and perpetrators have direct access to vulnerable children – in some cases with unregulated, unvetted, and unsupervised access.

What was missing in the report is the explicit acknowledgement of how this relationship is as prevalent for first-world, or “high-income countries”, as much as it is an international issue. Without it, we continue to paint the child institution and trafficking relationship as an “over there” problem. High-income countries came into play in this spotlight in two ways: increasing the demand for international orphanages due to the rising popularity of “orphanage volunteering”, and increasing demand of international adoption from those in high-income countries. However, at Aura Freedom we call attention to the fact that domestically, high-income countries house the same problematic child institutions and systems that create pipelines to trafficking. In our work, Aura Freedom is constantly calling attention to the foster care to sex trafficking pipeline for Indigenous children in careWhen 52% of children in foster care in Canada are Indigenous, but account for only 7.7% of the child population, this overrepresentation in care leads to the overrepresentation of Indigenous youth and children in sex trafficking statistics – a statistic that Walk Free does state in another section. 

As the GSI states, global institutional settings for children are “hubs where child exploitation and modern slavery can thrive.” We at Aura Freedom know that this is as much a domestic issue as it is a global one.



Criminalization of Survivors and the Non-Punishment Principle 

While there is a sense of urgency to call on governments to take action to prevent modern slavery through the recommendations shared in the 2023 GSI by Walk Free, it is quite concerning that the decriminalization of modern slavery victims and survivors was not a focus of the report, nor was the importance of applying the Non-Punishment Principle  mentioned anywhere in the report. 

Due to the rising recognition that trafficked persons were being punished for their involvement in unlawful activities committed in the context of their status as trafficking victims, The Non-Punishment Principle was established. The 2002 Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Human Trafficking of the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights recognized the issue of the criminalization of human trafficking survivors, and that such victims must be provided with protection over punishment for their unlawful acts in direct consequence of their trafficking.

Often, modern slavery is viewed solely as a crime and responses are   limited to legal repercussions. However, human trafficking is a human rights abuse before anything else. If we focus on crime, we will focus on the many crimes that victims and survivors are forced and coerced to commit while they are being trafficked and exploited.

We urge Walk Free to further research the criminalization of human trafficking survivors and explore what countries are doing to ensure that they are not punishing people for their own exploitation.


Understanding Forced and Child Marriage 

The 2023 GSI advocates for a “strong, multifaceted global approach” to ending forced and child marriage by recommending that governments ensure effective civil and criminal protection to tackle forced and child marriage. However, they also note that legal protections against forced and child marriage are lacking worldwide, reporting that most countries have not ratified the UN Convention on Consent to Marriage, Marriage Age for Marriage, and Registration of Marriagesnor fully criminalized forced marriage in national legislation. 

Child marriage is the marriage of anyone under age 18, as defined by the United Nations – with girls being the most affected. The reasons for the age requirement of 18 are many – child brides are not physically nor emotionally ready to become wives and mothers. Further, child marriage is a recognized form of human trafficking, and poorly affects health and economic outcomes for girls globally. When the 2023 GSI reports that only 35 countries – less than 20% of countries globally – set a minimum age of marriage at 18 without exception, legal loopholes continue to exist to allow for the exploitation of women and girls through child marriage. 

In Aura Freedom’s Relentless Resilience report and GBV Resource Centre, we highlight child marriage as a domestic issue as much as it is a global one. We must continue to bring attention to the fact that Canada’s own federal laws, the Civil Marriage Act, sets the minimum age for marriage at 16. According to Alissa Koski’s research at McGill University, Canadian provinces have issued 3,382+ marriage licenses to children since the year 2000 – excluding common-law unions and cases where children were taken out of Canada for marriages. The vast majority of the children are girls, who marry young to substantially older men. 

The 2023 GSI echoes that programs to reduce child marriage should target the root causes such as poverty, focus on prevention, and target the lack of alteratives to child marriage, such as access to education. Importantly, the GSI states that ensuring girls’ access to education is essential to preventing child marriage, but goes on to estimate that 20 million adolescent girls will never return to the classroom when schools reopen after the pandemic. 

That is 20 million adolescent girls at increased risk of child and forced marriage.


Highlighting Female Genital Mutilation and Cutting (FGM/C)

The GSI 2023 highlights the connection between Female Genital Mutilation and Cutting (FGM/C) and child and forced marriages, as FGM/C often acts as a precursor to a girl child marriage. The 2023 GSI defines female genital mutilation and cutting in the report as “the cutting, injury, removal, or modification to female genitalia for non-medical purposes.” The report recognizes that norms that prioritize chastity and sexual purity for women and girls increase risk of both child and forced marriages as well as female genital mutilation (FGM). At Aura Freedom, we’ve heard from survivors of and experts in FGM/C: female genital mutilation and cutting is not a cultural debate, but a human rights issue that cannot be justified by cultural, traditional, or religious reasons. 

When discussing “promising practices” to ending these practices, effective programs were community-led programs that aim to transform harmful gender norms and empower women and girls to become leaders in their communities and make their own decisions, thus promoting better life outcomes for themselves, their families, and future generations. A program identified in Somalia led to changes in attitudes, and the decreased in FGM and forced and child marriage. These findings echo Aura Freedom’s – when women and girls are educated and empowered, they become catalysts for positive change, and their success benefits everyone around them. 


Climate Change and Conflict

There is a great focus on the impact of climate change and ongoing state conflict in many regions. The GSI report explores recent events related to climate change and integrates stories of trafficking survivors to demonstrate how these onset events such as, typhoons, floods or hurricanes can destroy livelihood and increase vulnerability to severe exploitation across marginalized communities. 

The 2023 GSI also recognizes that populations that are highly dependent on natural resources, such as Indigenous Peoples and rural communities most often experience the intersection of climate change and modern slavery. It provides a number of recommendations for governments, such as designing climate solutions with an intersectional and inclusive approach that takes into account human rights violations, including vulnerability to modern slavery.




We at Aura Freedom, like the 2023 GSI, know that “although modern slavery affects everyone, there is no escaping the fact that it is a gendered issue”. The 2023 GSI spotlights Caroline Adhiambo, survivor leader and researcher, who highlights why having a gendered lens is so important when discussing modern slavery, championing that “when looking at what increases a person’s vulnerability to modern slavery – factors such as a lack of access to education and health services, poverty, and working in the informal economy – more women are exposed to multiple risk factors than men.”

To eradicate modern slavery, Aura Freedom has always advocated that the key word is prevention. And when we look at how to prevent the exploitation of peoples, we at Aura Freedom continue to urge that frameworks, funding, and interventions work towards addressing the root causes: gender inequity, racism, colonialism, homo/transphobia, ableism, and more. 

We endorse the urgency that Walk Free reports is needed to address modern slavery; though, despite nearly every government worldwide committing to eradicating modern slavery, Walk Free reports that since 2018, progress has largely stagnated. And we know that the less focus there is on preventing modern slavery, the more that women and girls will disproportionately suffer. 


Read more about Human Trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation on Aura Freedom’s Human Trafficking Information Hub.

Our Message to the House of Commons: May 2023

Prioritize prevention. Address root causes. Center marginalized groups.

When it comes to how we can end human trafficking, we have said this time and time again. Now, we say it again in our Brief submitted to the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women to inform its study of Human Trafficking of Women, Girls, and Gender Diverse People

Although the statement “Anyone can be trafficked” is true, there are communities that have historically been targeted and face higher risks of exploitation including: women/girls, Indigenous women/children, Black women/children, children in foster care, 2SLGBTQ+ youth, migrant women, and others.

If we fail to recognize how human trafficking affects certain communities in Canada differently, we will do more harm than good. 

Intersectionality matters.

So when we consider how to prevent human trafficking, we know we must advance equity by addressing the root causes, including:

  • Gender Inequality and Patriarchy
  • Colonialism, Systemic Racism, Ableism, Homo/Transphobia, and Xenophobia
  • Poverty (which is tied to oppression)
  • Systemic Inequities and Gaps in Social Services
“You can’t traffic someone who is enjoying a life of good health, stability, community and care.”   
– Marissa Kokkoros, Executive Director, Aura Freedom

Aura Freedom extends its gratitude to the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women for the opportunity to submit a brief on its study on Human Trafficking of Women, Girls, and Gender Diverse People

Read Brief

Read our full submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women

Our Thoughts on Budget 2023

Our Thoughts on Budget 2023

On Tuesday, March 28th, Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland released the Federal Budget for 2023-2024, citing “Canada has made a remarkable recovery from the COVID recession.” 

While we acknowledge the importance of strong economic fundamentals, the focus on “post-pandemic” inflation and recession fails to recognize the lasting effects of the pandemic on racialized and Indigenous women, on newcomers and migrant workers, on women with disabilities, on working class women, on all women and gender diverse individuals in Canada and their families and communities.  

Budget 2023 has once again kept the Statement and Impacts Report on Gender, Diversity, and Quality of Life separate from the budget. Further, The National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence (NAP) – introduced in Budget 2021 and vaguely referenced in Budget 2022 – is not mentioned once in Budget 2023. The messaging is heard loud and clear. 

The following is Aura Freedom’s analysis of Budget 2023-2024, through the lenses of gender-based violence eradication, equity, human rights and intersectional feminism, as always. 

Gender Equity and Violence Against Women

The Federal Government claims it “remains committed to ensuring that gender equality and fairness and inclusion considerations remain a core focus of the annual federal budget”. The “commitment” has been an increasingly-vague monetary proposal for too long.

On the heels of a $600 million National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence in 2021 and further $539.3 million commitment in 2022 to “prevent gender-based violence and support survivors”, we are disappointed that Budget 2023 has further refocused away from acknowledging the national emergency of gender-based violence (GBV), and the human rights abuses of women in Canada. 

Budget 2023 proposes to provide $160 million over three years “to organizations in Canada that serve women”. We continue to question what this all means. With no additional details on the NAP and no clear plan, there is no sense of urgency for the safety and rights of women in Canada, yet femicide and hate crimes against women and girls continue to increase drastically. As we said last year, gender-based violence does not just “go away”. As a deeply rooted societal issue, it will take years – if not generations – to be eradicated. Thus, it must be addressed consistently and in every fiscal budget, not just once.

We recognize that the same spotlight that “turned on” to gender-based violence over the pandemic has now turned away. We also recognize that women, girls, and gender-diverse people continue to face violence at alarming rates – the government themselves report a steady increase “year-over-year” of GBV before the pandemic began. While the pandemic exacerbated gender-based violence, a “post-pandemic” world is not a post-violence world for women. Moreover, those of us in the violence against women (VAW) sector know the effects of the spike in VAW during COVID will be felt for years to come, both socially and fiscally.

We implore governments to follow through on the promised National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence and supplemental gender-equality funding, and do so overtly and transparently. We know gender-based violence is preventable, but it will require years of intentional planning towards addressing the root causes, including sexism, colonialism, gender inequity, racism, homo/transphobia, ableism, and more.

Indigenous Women & Reconciliation

The atrocities committed against Indigenous Peoples that continue to be enforced through oppressive colonial systems, coupled with the intergenerational impacts of residential schools, over-policing, forced sterilization, child-apprehension, and MMIWG2S, constitute an ongoing and state-sponsored genocide. 

Earlier this year, the federal government signed an agreement to compensate 325 bands that opted in the Gottfriedson Band Class litigation to address the collective harms caused by the loss of language, culture, and heritage through the residential school system. The Budget 2023 provides $2.8 billion as part of the Band Class settlement to establish a trust to support healing, wellness, education, heritage and language. 

Still, systemic racism and colonialism has resulted in the public devaluation of Indigenous women and girls which keep them in intergenerational cycles of violence and hardship. Families in Winnipeg are still waiting for the Prairie Green Landfill to be searched for their loved ones murdered by a serial killer and believed to have been buried at the site. Although not a simple task and certainly one that requires planning, one must wonder what the authorities are so afraid of uncovering.

We recognize the federal government’s commitment to accelerating the implementation of the National Action Plan to End the Tragedy of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Budget 2023 proposes a breakdown of the National Action Plan, providing:

  • $20 million over 4 years to support Indigenous-led projects for safer communities through the Pathways to Safe Indigenous Communities Initiative 
  • $95.8 million over 5 years that has been allocated over five years to help Indigenous families access information about their missing and murdered loved ones, and enhancing victim services to support their healing journeys.
  • $2.6 million over 3 years will support the National Family and Survivors Circle to keep families and survivors at the center of the National Action Plan 
  • $2.2 million over 5 years to establish an oversight mechanism to monitor and report on the progress of implementation
  • $1.6 million over 2 years to recommend an Indigenous and Human Rights Ombudsperson 
  • $2.5 million over 5 years to advance the National Action Plan by creating a Federal-Provinical-Territorial-Indigenous table on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2SLGBTQI+ people. 

Our Indigenous partners and Indigenous voices have spoken: any funding or plans for Indigenous communities must continue to be Indigenous-designed and Indigenous-led, with Indigenous communities at the table well before funding is released. We implore that initiatives such as the Federal-Providincial-Territorial-Indigenous table on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2SLGBTQQ+ people be prioritized to ensure Indigenous voices are at the forefront of advancing the National Action Plan.

Hate Crime

We recognize that Budget 2023 has acknowledged the increase in hate crimes in Canada, citing an alarming increase by 72% between 2019 and 2021. We know these statistics are not accurate reflections of all forms of  hate crimes in Canada – and we have been imploring Canada to do better. The GBV sector has been outspoken in our demands that the federal government recognize applicable types of violence against women as hate crimes. The budget recognizes that “hate has no place in Canada”, yet femicide continues to not be recognized by the Canadian Criminal Code. 

We want to be clear – we champion the continued recognition of and fight against hate crimes such as anti-Indigenous racism, anti-Black racism, anti-Asian racism, Antisemitism and Islamophobia. Budget 2023 also (briefly) mentions hate crimes against 2SLBGTQI+ communities. Still, hate crimes against women and girls go unrecognized and often, flat-out ignored. This is especially important when we consider the intersectionality of government-recognized hate crimes – how many victims and survivors are women? And how many of them were targeted because they were women? What about female journalists and the increase in hate, harassment and violence that they have been experiencing? Does any of this matter?

We continue to see women systematically targeted in mass killings, public transit attacks, serial killings, and more, yet these crimes are never recognized as stemming from hate. Those of us working in the VAW sector know different – we deal with the effects of misogyny every single day. As such, we will continue to advocate for femicide and other forms of GBV to be recognized as hate crimes and look forward to more meaningful conversations in this space.

Human Trafficking

For the second year in a row, human trafficking in Canada is overlooked in Budget 2023. Human Trafficking is referred to once, and mentioned only in relation to money laundering and terrorist financing. It is one of a series of international crimes listed that may impact Canadians. We know human trafficking is more than a crime – it is a human rights abuse, and one that Canadians are facing domestically. The budget paints human trafficking as an international concern when we know different. 

At Aura Freedom, we recognize that human trafficking  takes place across many industries, including the sex industry, domestic labour, the care sector, the service industry, farming industry, fishing industry, and more. Forced/child marriage and  forced crime are other forms affecting Canadians today.

We urge the federal government to listen to grassroots organizations and survivors to allocate additional funds to address the complex human rights abuse of trafficking that takes place within Canada every single day. 

Mental Health

Unlike in relation to gender-based violence, Budget 2023 openly admits that there are lingering mental health impacts of the pandemic. We know the pandemic did not impact everyone equally – women reported lower self-perceived mental health across all population groups, but it was particularly low among 2SLGBTQI+ women and Indigenous women.

However, the only newly proposed answer in Budget 2023 is the implementation of the three-digit suicide prevention line to access crisis support. Where is the budgeting for intersectional, culturally-centered and trauma-informed organizations and services that work to prevent the need for crisis and suicide-prevention lines? This is yet another “reactive” approach to systemic problems that will disproportionately affect communities like 2SLGBTQI+, Black, and Indigenous women. 

Chilc Care

We celebrate Canada’s establishment of an affordable Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care System, with a goal of bringing fees down to $10/day on average by 2026. By April 2, 2023, six provinces and territories will be providing regulated child care for an average of just $10/day or less. All others are on track to achieve this by 2026.

Women continue to be primary caregivers, are disproportionately responsible for unpaid care, and are significantly more likely to take on additional household labour tasks than male counterparts. This is a win for parents everywhere, yes, but we know child care costs disproportionately impact the livelihoods of marginalized women in Canada (i.e. racialized women, disabled women, immigrant and refugee women). Further, this will additionally support and empower girls in families where child care was a gendered responsibility placed on them when parents were unable to care for younger children (i.e. due to employment). 

We celebrate the provinces and territories that recognized the importance of affordable child care and provided this initiative ahead of schedule, and will continue to monitor and hold those that have committed to achieving this by 2026. 


Budget 2023 continues to invest in the housing crisis – a third round of the Rapid Housing Initiative will be launched to Canadians, providing $1.5 billion to create 4, 500 new affordable housing units for Canadians. 

We called for Canada to address the housing crisis with a gendered and intersectional lens as we know women who experience violence experience homelessness at higher rates, and women experiencing homelessness experience violence at higher rates. Their response? 25% of investments will go to housing projects targeted towards women. While we are happy to see the acknowledgement of the gendered issue of housing instability, we see this as another vague commitment. We continue to call for strategic housing crisis plans that acknowledge intersectional identities – supporting women experiencing violence, as well as Black, Indigenous, disabled, newcomer, and other identities of women that we know result in higher rates of homelessness.

When Canada reports that almost half of Canadians felt “very concerned” over their ability to afford housing or rent in 2022, we know that supplying housing units is not enough to address the housing crisis. 

Sexual and Reproductive Health: Safeguarding Access to Abortion

We applaud Canada’s recognition in Budget 2023 of the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the United States and the importance of sexual and reproductive health care, as well as bodily autonomy. The federal government has committed to ensuring that no Canadian pays out of pocket to receive an abortion. 

Budget 2023 proposes to provide $36 million starting in 2024-25 to Health Canada to renew the Secual and Reproductive Health fund, which will support community-based organizations that help make access to abortion, sexual and reproductive health care, information and services for populations. 

Budget 2023 has committed to global sexual and reproductive health and rights by investing $700 million starting in 2023. We will monitor the impacts of this, and implore Canada to address sexual and reproductive coercion as the gender-based violence that it is. 


Overall, Budget 2023 fails to convey strategic, transparent, and coordinated action plans, continuing to utilize a reactive rather than proactive approach to addressing systemic issues. When it comes to gender-equality and gender-based violence, Budget 2023 primarily reiterates commitments made in previous years. We implore the Canadian government to commit to the long-term funding that will be required to end violence for all, especially the most marginalized women and girls, and we will continue to monitor future Budgets and Action Plans to hold our leadership accountable.

The spotlight that was rightfully placed on gender-based violence over the pandemic has been removed. We know that because of this, women, girls, and gender-diverse people will continue to face alarming rates of violence and femicide. The impacts on gender-based violence rates by a pandemic do not end when the pandemic does, even if Budget 2023 demonstrates that the consideration in federal funding does. 

The question remains: When will women matter enough?

Roe v. Wade: We Cannot Go Back

Our Thoughts on Roe v. Wade

When envisioning a world where women and girls achieve gender equity and freedom from violence, we at Aura Freedom push ourselves to not only imagine freedom from, but freedom to. Not just freedom from violence, from prosecution, from inequality – but freedom to make choices: about our bodies, our education, our health, our families, our movement, our paths. 

In response to the recent publication of a leaked document from SCOTUS that points to an imminent overturn of Roe v Wade, Aura Freedom would like to discuss the impact of this document and the impending decision from SCOTUS, and the matter of reproductive justice. 

Roe v Wade was a landmark decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1973, which affirmed women’s rights to privacy as outlined in the U.S. Constitution. Under this right to privacy, it was decided that women had the right to access abortion without extensive government restriction. While States have differing regulations regarding abortion, Roe v Wade signalled a massive step forward in the movement for reproductive justice and bodily autonomy both in the United States and abroad. This landmark decision hugely influenced other countries in their subsequent decisions to decriminalize abortion, and its will undoubtedly have similar effects, especially in neighbouring countries in South America.

Of course, we know that abortions existed and were performed before the Roe v Wade ruling. Illegal or informal abortions have always existed underground in contexts where abortion is criminalized, with varying levels of safety and accessibility. These illegal abortions present significant social, financial and health risks to all women, and these risks are more significant for poor, racialized, immigrant, disabled and queer women (to name a few). 

Leading up to the legalization of abortion, feminist groups across North America organized self-help clinics to place knowledge and tools about women’s reproductive health in the hands of women. These clinics touched on subjects ranging from pregnancy tests, reproductive anatomy, and self-induced abortions.These feminist consciousness-raising groups recognized reproductive health as a site of political power, and reappropriated biomedical knowledge and tools to place this power in the hands of women. 

Feminist self-help clinics are a heart-warming example of resilience and grassroots feminist movement-building in the face of oppressive restriction on bodily autonomy and integrity. However, the reality of abortion before Roe v Wade for most women was in stark contrast to the empowerment and sisterhood that defined self-help clinics.

For decades, feminists have endlessly repeated what we all know to be true: criminalizing abortion will not prevent abortions from occurring, it will only make them more dangerous and less accessible, especially for marginalized women. This is backed up by research that concretely demonstrates that abortion levels are roughly the same across countries where it is legal and countries where it is criminalized. In countries with high levels of poverty where abortion is criminalized, abortion rates are four times higher than in higher-income countries where abortion is legal. 

This research confirms that the restriction and criminalization of abortion only results in unsafe and unregulated abortion procedures, which puts the lives and the health of women at immense risk. Furthermore, it demonstrates that rates of abortion are more influenced by social factors, such as income and social status, than by legal restrictions or rights. 

The criminalization of abortion is therefore not simply a matter of reducing abortion rates – it is a matter of restricting women’s bodily autonomy and integrity, and thus an infringement on their Human Rights. The criminalization of abortion is violence against women, in action.

So, where does this leave us? 

Grassroots organizations and activists working in the Gender-Based Violence sector are no strangers to showing resilience in the face of oppression. Aura Freedom stands firmly in solidarity with feminists fighting to keep their rights to privacy and bodily integrity in the U.S., and voices our strong concern with recent popular anti-abortion and anti-woman political and social discourse. 

In Canada, where abortion is still legally accessible, we must fight to reaffirm our right to bodily autonomy, and demonstrate our will to protect this right. Furthermore, we must continue to fight for equal and safe access to reproductive justice for all in Canada. Currently, barriers in accessibility to safe and culturally appropriate reproductive health services are faced by the most marginalized communities – eliminating these barriers must be our first priority. The fight for legal, safe and accessible abortion for Canadians is not over until this right is guaranteed to all those who need it. 

Reproductive justice, as defined by the group Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice, is “the complete physical, mental, spiritual, political, economic, and social well-being of women and girls, and will be achieved when women and girls have the economic, social and political power and resources to make healthy decisions about our bodies, sexuality and reproduction for ourselves, our families and our communities in all areas of our lives”. 

Abortion is not a singular condition for reproductive justice, but it is a necessary one. The right to choose an abortion is as important as the right to choose to have children; the circumstances under which this choice is made is also of upmost importance.

This is what we are fighting for. This is what our sisters and siblings in the U.S. will lose if SCOTUS follows through with their decision to reverse Roe v Wade

We cannot go back.

Orlaith Croke-Martin is the Research & Policy Analyst at Aura Freedom