Our vision is a world in which all women and girls live free from violence. Every one of our initiatives strives to one day make that vision a reality.

Gender-based violence is a National Emergency in Canada and across the globe.

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, sexual violence, femicide, intimate partner violence, forced marriage, human trafficking and more.  Women and girls in Canada and around the world continue to experience violence at pandemic rates. 

  • Every 2.5 days, one woman or girl is killed in Canada.

  • The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls concluded that the violence experienced by Indigenous women, girls and 2-spirit people in Canada amounts to GENOCIDE.

  • 95% of identified human trafficking victims in Canada between 2009 and 2016 were women and girls, with sexual exploitation being the most common form of trafficking.

  • Indigenous women and girls only make up 4% of Canada’s population, but 50% of human trafficking survivors.

  • On any given night in Canada, thousands of women and their children sleep in emergency shelters because it isn’t safe at home

  • Women with a disability are nearly 2x as likely as women without a disability to have been sexually assaulted in the past year.
Women and girls bear the brunt of the world’s gender-based violence. Women and girls living at the intersections experience the highest rates of violence, including Indigenous women, racialized women, women with disabilities, and the Girl Child. 

Gender-based violence is a result of extreme inequities that intersect with different identities. It is a very old story of who is valued more and who is valued less. The antidote…is education

Education that addresses root causes is the key to preventing and eradicating gender-based violence and human trafficking in Canada. And although we might not be able to ‘see’ it working in real-time…it is right. The ripple effects of that education will be seen for generations to come.

Relentless Resilience is our movement and permanent campaign to eradicate gender-based violence in Canada.

Relentless Resilience:
Explore our GBV Resource Centre

Our vision is freedom from violence for all women and girls and Relentless Resilience is working hard to see that vision come alive.


Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability – CFOJA. (2019). #Callitfemicide: Understanding gender related killings of women and girls in Canada 2019. Retrieved from

National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls – MMIWG. (2019).Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Retrieved from

Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 2018

Statistics Canada: The Daily. (2018). Trafficking in persons in Canada, 2016. Retrieved from

Roudometkina, A., & Wakeford, K, Native Women’s Association of Canada – NWAC. (2018, June 15). Trafficking of Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada. Retrieved from

Statistics Canada (2015). Criminal victimization in Canada, 2014. Retrieved from

Canadian Women’s Foundation. (2016). Moving out of violence fact sheet. Retrieved from 

Moreau, G. (2019, April 17). Canadian residential facilities for victims of abuse, 2017/2018.

Cotter, A. (2018). Violent victimization of women with disabilities, 2014. Statistics Canada. Retrieved from:

DAWN – DisAbled Women’s Network of Canada. (2019). More than a footnote: A research report on Women and Girls with disabilities in Canada. Retrieved from