Female Friendly Spaces in Post-Quake Nepal
Post-Earthquake Support, Protection, Education and Empowerment for Women and Girls in Nepal
Gender-based violence increases in emergencies because of the exacerbation of inequities, displacement of communities, absence of law and order, lack of adequate basic services, and the breakdown of social support networks. As a result, women and girls of all ages need protection, support, and access to services in emergencies. Those from marginalized communities are increasingly vulnerable. 8,000,000 people were affected by the 2015 earthquakes in Nepal and 40,000 are women and girls in our area of work were at immediate risk of violence.
This project provided multiple Female Friendly Spaces (FFS) in various post-earthquake camps in Nepal where women and girls could go to report incidences of violence, seek services, be referred to medical care or trauma counselling, attend awareness workshops and feel safe. The FFS also provided activities for children and temporary shelter for women and girls. In emergency situations, violence against women and girls increases drastically, as well as harmful practices such as child marriage.
The Female Friendly Spaces brought awareness to the growing problem of gender-based violence both in general and within the camps through workshops and activities for women and their children, an awareness campaign directed at all camp residents, and theatrical performances that shed light on violence against women and harmful practices. The space also served as a 24-hour place of protection and referral agency with gender-trained staff who referred women and girls of all ages to health, legal and other services available to them through our collaboration with Apeiron Nepal, local Police and other local NGOs.