Ontario Government Human Trafficking Roundtables

Ontario Government Human Trafficking Roundtables

In 2019, Aura Freedom participated in a series of roundtables with the Ontario Provincial Government to inform their new strategy to address human trafficking in the province. As usual, we made sure to advocate for the most marginalized groups and for the strategy to address gender inequality, colonialism, and other root causes of sexual exploitation.

City of Toronto Human Trafficking Consultations, Submission to City Council

City of Toronto Human Trafficking Consultation and Submission to City Council

In May 2019, the City of Toronto’s END TRAFFICKING T.O. division submitted a report on Supporting Survivors of Human Trafficking.

Aura Freedom was asked to participate in the City’s consultations implemented to make sure the voices of community stakeholders were incorporated into the report, which also recognized mentioned Aura Freedom’s Peer Prevention Project.

Aura Freedom made a written submission to City Council regarding the report, in order to put prevention, gender equality and anti-oppression at the top of the counter-trafficking agenda.

To read the submission, click here: Written submission for 2019.EC5.4 on June 18, 2019 City Council

On June 18, 2019, Council adopted the report that outlines a number of actions that the City proposes to take, in collaboration with other agencies, corporations and divisions to support survivors of human trafficking.

We look forward to being a part of the City of Toronto’s ongoing efforts to address human trafficking in our communities.

Consulting for Canada’s National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking

Consulting for Canada's National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking

In March 2018, Aura Freedom presented to the Federal Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights for their national human trafficking study. Our recommendations focused on how gender inequality, systemic racism and other root causes perpetuate violence against women and girls and human trafficking. In September 2018, the Canadian Federal Government concluded the study with a summit where Aura Freedom consulted on a new national strategy. In 2019, the Federal Government released its National Strategy To Combat Human Trafficking 2019-2024.

#MeToo Conference – Iceland

#MeToo: Moving Forward Conference, Iceland

In September we attended the ‘#MeToo Moving Forward’ conference in Iceland on the impact of the #MeToo movement. We attended workshops and sessions led by fellow feminists, activists, academics, and government officials including the Prime Minister of Iceland Katrín Jakobsdóttir.

A highlight was meeting American political activist Angela Davis and engaging with feminists and change-makers from around the world.

The conference was a part of the Icelandic Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2019 and organized in collaboration with RIKK, Institute for Gender, Equality and Difference at the University of Iceland.

Standing Up for Survivors of Wartime Sexual Violence

Standing Up for Survivors of Wartime Sexual Violence

In August 2019, we stood in solidarity with the Sudanese women’s group Kandaka International for Women’s Rights to support Sudan’s survivors of wartime sexual violence.

Our Executive Director gave a talk on sexual violence in conflict and presented an interview she had with survivor Vasfije Krasniqi-Goodman (photo below), a survivor of the war in Kosovo and winner of the 2019 Kim Bok-dong Prize.

The sisterhood was alive and well and after all the tears, we even managed to laugh and sing during the ‘photoshoot’.

Women Deliver 2019 Conference

Women Deliver 2019 Conference, Vancouver

In 2019, Aura Freedom participated in the 2019 Women Deliver conference in Vancouver, Canada. Aura Freedom was a Bronze sponsor with a gorgeous booth in the Fuelling Station showcasing our work.

Over 4 intense days, our team attended countless sessions and workshops with over 8,000 activists and feminists from 169 countries. Hundreds of feminists from around the globe stopped by our booth to take part in our FEMINIST MOSAIC and we couldn’t love these faces more.

Our Executive Director was featured at the ‘Expert Desk’ as an expert of sexual exploitation and human trafficking and was available to answer questions for media channels and other stakeholders. 

We were also a partner of the Women Deliver Mobilization Canada team, which connected Canadian organizations attending the conference and called for action on gender equality and women’s empowerment in conjunction with the Government of Canada. As a result of our participation, we attended several high-level events with the Mobilization Canada team and advocated with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the Honourable Maryam Monsef and other Canadian officials.

Let’s keep the momentum going and the fire lit to make gender equity a reality in our lifetime.


‘Walk a Mile in My Shoes’ – An Aura Freedom Special Event

Walk a Mile in My Shoes - An Aura Freedom Special Event

In May 2019 we hosted the experiential learning event “Walk a Mile in My Shoes” that raised awareness of the root causes of sexual exploitation and human trafficking and honoured survivors and their family members. Supported by the Department of Justice Canada and Lush Cosmetics North America, the event explored how marginalized communities in Toronto (women and girls; Indigenous, Black and LGBTQ2S+ youth; Newcomers, etc.) are more vulnerable to sexual violence and exploitation and how communities can empower each other to break the cycle. Guests also learned how Aura Freedom’s Peer Prevention Project is currently addressing these issues.

Through art and music by local Toronto artists, this interactive event communicated powerful messages to over 100 attendees. Survivors of violence and trafficking were honoured at the event by their peers, raising awareness and creating community solidarity. Attendees learned what services are available to them in Toronto through our community partners and where/how they can safely seek help for situations of sexual violence/exploitation.

We even had an impromptu drumming performance by Indigenous musician and Juno winner Brenda Macintyre.

What a night!

Women Deliver Mobilization Canada – Meeting with Minister Monsef

Women Deliver Mobilization Canada: An Event w/ Minister Monsef

On May 21, we attended an event with The Honourable Maryam Monsef, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and International Development, along with other members of Women Deliver 2019 Mobilization Canada at BMO Canada to discuss the importance of the upcoming Women Deliver conference and how to keep the feminist movement going in the face of backlash. 

An inspiring morning and a taste of things to come in next month’s massive Women Deliver conference in Vancouver, where Aura Freedom will be exhibiting!

The Sentencing of James Sears

The Sentencing of James Sears, Promoter of Violence Against Women

In April  2019, we attended the sentencing hearing of James Sears, editor of ‘Your Ward News’, which propagates misogyny and violence against women, among other hate crimes.

James was ultimately sentenced to the maximum one year in prison for promoting hatred against women. Our team was interviewed by Global News and other media channels.

Court support and solidarity for cases of gender-based violence is powerful.