The TCHTN is a grassroots community network composed of various organizations and individuals within the Toronto area, reflecting the racial and cultural diversity of Toronto’s communities.

 The TCHTN works towards the elimination of human trafficking in Canada and abroad, and to address the plight of trafficked persons through a holistic, human rights-based approach, focused on the needs of trafficked persons as opposed to the crime of human trafficking itself.

Aura Freedom is an active member of the Network, involved in many sub-committees and activities. Members of the Network have collaborated on numerous occasions to address human trafficking in Toronto and beyond. We have met with Municipal, Provincial and Federal government officials, hosted awareness events, consulted on strategies at all levels of government and assisted countless survivors. We have designed a human trafficking response model for Toronto and consulted on the development of a data collection tool with Find Help/211 to collect data on the prevalence of human trafficking in the city.