Workshops and consulting
Aura Freedom facilitates workshops and provides consulting for gender-based violence sector workers, frontline workers, school boards, government, educators, youth, the private sector and more. Some of our offerings include:
• Human Traffcking and Sexual Exploitation Awareness and Prevention
• Violence Against Women Awareness and Prevention
• Healthy Relationships and Consent Awareness
• Speaking engagements at events and conferences
• Consulting for strategies, policies and initiatives to eradicate gender-based violence and human trafficking
See more details below.

Youth Training: Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation Prevention 101
This workshop brings awareness to and prevents sex trafficking and sexual exploitation through an interactive and energetic presentation for youth. Our facilitators review the nature and spectrum of human trafficking/sexual exploitation, review case studies, explore grooming methods and red flags, discuss targeted groups and root causes (systemic inequities), highlight current human trafficking trends in Canada, and share safety planning information and where to get help. We also provide information on consent, healthy relationships, internet safety, and other relevant info.
This workshop can be adapted for parents and caregivers- “Parent Human Trafficking Prevention 101”
Survivor and trauma informed, as always.
Duration: TWO (2) hours – can be modified to suit your needs.
Audience: Appropriate for ages 12+ . Ideal for: Schools, group homes, youth shelters, community centres/libraries, etc.
Complete the booking form to receive information about cost. Please note we normally require at least two weeks notice to book this workshop.

Frontline Training for Service Providers: Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation Prevention 101
This workshop brings awareness to and prevents sex trafficking and sexual exploitation through an interactive presentation for frontline service providers. Our facilitators review the nature and spectrum of human trafficking/sexual exploitation, review case studies, explore grooming methods and red flags, discuss targeted groups and root causes (systemic inequities), highlight current human trafficking trends in Canada, and share safety planning information and where to get help. We also provide role playing opportunities, indicators for frontline workers, how to receive a disclosure of human trafficking, Dos and Don’ts when working with survivors, group activities, self-care for service providers, and more.
Survivor and trauma informed, as always.
Duration: Half-Day and Full-Day training available.
Audience: Appropriate for frontline service providers, educators/teachers, gender-based violence sector professionals, parents/caregivers, the private sector, and more.
Complete the booking form to receive information about cost. Please note we normally require at least two weeks notice to book this workshop.

Youth Training: Preventing Gender-Based Violence Through Consent and Healthy Relationships
Description: This interactive and fun workshop uses a variety of activities to explore consent and healthy relationships to ultimately prevent gender-based violence and exploitation. Our facilitators define consent and how it differs from coercion, demonstrate how coercion can lead to exploitation, and examine different grooming methods and red flags. They also dive deep into the components of unhealthy relationships and instead explore how to build and maintain healthy ones with appropriate boundaries.
Survivor and trauma informed, as always.
Duration: TWO (2) hours – can be modified to suit your needs.
Audience: Appropriate for ages 12+. Ideal for: schools, group homes, youth shelters, community centres, libraries, etc.
Complete the booking form to receive information about cost. Please note we normally require at least two weeks notice to book this workshop.

Speaking Engagements at Events and Conferences
Description: Aura Freedom speaks at different events and conferences on various topics ranging from gender equality to human trafficking, gender-based violence, consent and healthy relationships, the Sustainable Development Goals, and more.
Complete the booking form to receive information about availability and cost, if any. Please note we normally require at least two weeks notice to book a speaking engagement.

Consulting Services
Description: Aura Freedom provides consulting for strategies, policies and initiatives to eradicate gender-based violence and human trafficking and advance gender equity.
Email with your request to set up a Discovery Call for more information.