Girls Not Brides is a global partnership of more than 1,000 civil society organizations from over 95 countries, all committed to ending child marriage and enabling girls to fulfil their potential. Girls Not Brides members bring child marriage and gender inequality to global attention with high-level advocates involved in their efforts. Girls Not Brides works with Aura Freedom to share initiatives and build the feminist movement to end early/child and forced marriage in Canada and beyond.
For a list of publications featuring Aura Freedom on Girls Not Brides:
For a Girls Not Brides case study on Aura Freedom’s work in Nepal:–Empower-girls-Aura-Freedom9-1.pdf
In 2016, Aura Freedom represented the Girls Not Brides partnership and delivered a presentation at Global Affairs Canada in Ottawa with other dignitaries and heads of state as Canada led the development of new UN resolutions on child marriage.