WEBINAR FOR YOUTH 13+: How to Prevent Sexual Exploitation by Advancing Equality and Practicing Kindness
a free webinar for YOUTH 13+(and adults) to prevent sexual exploitation/trafficking
Aura Freedom partnered with MCIS Language Solutions and Helpingtraffickedpersons.org to bring youth 13+ a FREE webinar to prevent sexual exploitation and human trafficking.
Attention all youth at home during the COVID-19 crisis:
Been hearing a lot about human trafficking and online exploitation lately?
What do they really look like? Are you at risk?
What does this all mean to you, your friends and your community?
Join the youth team of Aura Freedom’s Peer Prevention Project for an interactive webinar aimed at preventing human trafficking, online exploitation and gender-based violence though education and empowerment.
Designed and created for youth, by youth, our webinar will increase your awareness of trafficking and exploitation with a focus on its root causes and give you the tools you need to keep yourself and your friends safe.
With students out of school and spending more time online, there is no better time to learn about internet safety, equality and healthy relationships in order to make informed decisions and lead lives free from violence and exploitation.
Appropriate for ages 13+
Youth, parents, teachers and interested community members will:
- learn how human trafficking and online exploitation happen (the luring/grooming process, current trends, myths) and what they look like in Canada
- explore the root causes of human trafficking (gender inequality, colonialism, systemic racism, ableism, homophobia, etc.) and how recognizing and understanding these root causes can increase equality and prevent abuse and exploitation
- learn about consent, healthy relationships and internet safety
- learn how to protect yourself and the people you care about and where to get help
- learn how to create a safer, more equal and more peaceful world
WEBINAR FOR FRONTLINE WORKERS: Preventing Trafficking by Unpacking Root Causes and Empowering Youth
a free webinar for frontline workers and parents to prevent exploitation/trafficking
Aura Freedom partnered with MCIS Language Solutions and Helpingtraffickedpersons.org to bring frontline workers, parents and caregivers a FREE webinar on how to prevent sexual exploitation and human trafficking
Been hearing a lot about human trafficking lately? What does it mean to your family, the people you support at work, and your community?
Join Marissa Kokkoros, our Executive Director, for an interactive webinar on how to prevent human trafficking in the sex trade by advancing EQUALITY. By analyzing the root causes of human trafficking and exploitation, we can empower youth to demand better for themselves and their communities.
After all, it’s very difficult to traffic empowered youth.
Parents, teachers, frontline workers, interested community members and other stakeholders will:
-learn the basics of human trafficking in the sex trade, the luring/grooming process and current trends
-explore the root causes of human trafficking in the sex trade (gender inequality, colonialism, systemic racism, ableism, homophobia, etc.) and how recognizing and unpacking these root causes with youth can increase equality and prevent abuse and exploitation
-how to appropriately support youth who are being exploited or those at risk
-learn where to get help and find resources
Press Release: Aura Freedom launches report in honour of International Women’s Day
press release
Toronto, Ontario – March 8, 2020: In honour of International Women’s Day, Aura Freedom launches “Relentless Resilience” – a bold report on the impact of gender-based violence on Canadian society.
Aura Freedom is a grassroots Canadian organization based in Toronto that works to end gender-based violence for good.
‘Relentless Resilience’ is a series of interviews with social workers and survivors of gender-based violence in Canada. The report is raw, real and bold. It does not sugar-coat anything, but paints a sobering picture of the current situation for countless women and girls in Canada and what has to be done.
Currently, there is no National Action Plan for gender-based violence in Canada. The report calls upon the government to implement an urgent Action Plan that PREVENTS gender-based violence as opposed to solely reacting to it. “Women’s organizations, shelters and rape crisis centres will simply keep chasing their tails unless a concrete, proactive plan is implemented. Unless the violence is prevented, starting NOW,” says the report’s author, Marissa Kokkoros.
-Every 3 days, a woman or girl in Canada is killed. Many of them, by their partners.
-Indigenous women are killed 12 TIMES more likely to be killed than any other women in Canada.
-On any given night, 6000 women and children sleep in emergency shelters because it is not safe at home.
On International Women’s Day, as we celebrate women, we must recognize that in order for women and girls to live healthy and vibrant lives, the violence against them must end. But, ending the violence won’t simply benefit women and girls – it will benefit everyone.
Imagine a Canada free from gender-based violence. “Very often, women are the traditional caregivers of their families and custodians of their communities. So, when you break a woman down, you break down everyone around her. Gender-based violence is robbing us all of infinite talent and love,” says Marissa.
This is not just a feminist issue. Men and boys must be part of the solution. While we know that not all men are violent, we also know most violence against women is committed by men. So, it’s a men’s issue, too.
While governments scramble to put together action plans to address COVID-19, women and girls are being raped, beaten, and murdered every day. Right now, hundreds of women and their children are being turned away from shelters because there is no room. Where is the national emergency?
When we look at ending the violence, we must look at its connections to inequalities of gender, race, class and ability. “The only way forward is for all of us, in Canada and around the world, to invest in the way each child is treated, taught, protected and valued equally from day one. Equality is everything,” says Marissa.
This International Women’s Day, let’s all stand up and say enough and work together to end gender-based violence. It is possible.
The ‘Relentless Resilience’ report is available for free at www.aurafreedom.org
Download Press Release here:
Press Release Edited – Relentless Resilience
Relentless Resilience – A Beijing +25 Canadian Parallel Report & CSW64 Parallel Event
relentless resilience - a beijing +25 Canadian parallel report
The Grassroots has spoken.
In February 2020, Aura Freedom submitted an official Beijing +25 Canadian Parallel Report with a focus on gender-based violence entitled ‘Relentless Resilience.
Relentless Resilience is a Beijing +25 Parallel Report that calls for holistic change to address the root causes of gender-based violence (gender inequity, systemic racism, colonialism, ableism, trans/homophobia, capitalism, etc.) and societal power imbalances that uphold the status quo. Our guiding framework is rooted in human rights activism, grassroots excellence, trauma and, of course, resilience. Relentless Resilience aims to highlight the most marginalized women and girls in Canada and the resiliency of them in response to violence, oppression, and indifference.
Through interviews with frontline social workers and survivor stories from grassroots organizations in the City of Toronto, Canada, our Beijing +25 Parallel Report demonstrates how gender-based violence is impacting all 12 Areas of Critical Concern of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and hindering the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Relentless Resilience can be considered a point of reference for advocacy efforts that call for the eradication of gender-based violence throughout the entire year of Beijing +25, including CSW64 and the Generation Equality Forum taking place in Mexico and France in 2020, and beyond.
Click here for the report: AF_RelentlessResilience_Beijing25_Cdn_ParallelRpt_Feb2020.pdf
Attending CSW64? Come and meet Aura Freedom on March 13th at the Church Center for the United Nations (Drew Room) at 6:15pm for the launch of Relentless Resilience, where we will present key findings, share resiliency strategies with our colleagues from around the world, and build the feminist movement. All are welcome!
Click here for the flyer:
GBV Across the SDGs -A Beijing +25 Initiative
gbv across the sDgs - A beijing +25 initiative
Gender-based violence is a National Emergency in Canada. It is affecting every single aspect of Canadian life and the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Grassroots groups have been advocating for change for a long time. We can’t wait any longer.
Gender-based violence is impacting families, communities and entire countries. While global heads of state convene to discuss struggling economies, migration, poverty, disease, and climate change, we at the grassroots level know that the eradication of gender-based violence and the empowerment of women and girls can bring increased wealth, health, peace and climate justice to our communities.
Click on the link below to view our snapshot of gender-based violence in Canada across the Sustainable Development Goals and join the movement to end GBV for the benefit of everyone on earth.
Giving Tuesday 2019 Video Campaign – Violence Against Homeless Girls
Giving Tuesday 2019 Campaign - Violence Against Homeless Girls
Homeless girls experience higher rates of sexual violence and exploitation than those with stable housing. Our Giving Tuesday 2019 campaign supported violence prevention programs from our Peer Prevention Project to youth living in shelters.
Donations raised through our video allowed our Peer Prevention Project to provide gender-based violence prevention workshops and GIFT PACKS with warm socks, soap, shampoo and menstrual hygiene items to 120+ youth across Toronto. A hot lunch was also provided by Aura Freedom in the shelters so that youth could share a Holiday meal with our youth staff.
A very special thanks to Lush Cosmetics North America for their generous donation of soap and shampoo for the gift packs and thanks to all those who donated for Giving Tuesday!
Click here to see Aura Freedom staff, Board members and volunteers in our Giving Tuesday commercial!