Appearing before ontario's standing committee on justice policy for bill 173

On August 14th, 2024, our Executive Director recently appeared as an Expert Witness before the Legislative Assembly of Ontario’s Standing Committee on Justice Policy to support their study of the Intimate Partner Violence epidemic. The study was requested by Premier Doug Ford in response to Bill 173, which has passed second reading and is now at the committee for consideration and further study. If passed, the Bill would see the Government of Ontario declare Intimate Partner Violence an epidemic province-wide.
Marissa highlighted the importance of urgently investing in Primary Prevention, but not at the expense of crucial frontline work, giving concrete examples and recommendations on the type of framework required to finally address one of the oldest and most normalized human rights abuse of our time.
We thank the Committee for the opportunity to present our expertise and recommendations and look forward to the passing of Bill 173 and the commitments that will follow.

“The solutions are there. It’s the investments – and really – the political will, that haven’t been there.”
Marissa Kokkoros